Nutrition Health Processed Foods

Good health, nutrition, fresh are the words which attract attention of the modern consumer while browsing through supermarket shelf.  The aspiring consumer looks out to options to good health.  The food & beverage industry constantly works upon developing  new trends and better  health food options, like processed food with its nutrition intact.

Processed foods provide long shelf life and ensure availability against the seasons. Many fruits & vegetables which are necessarily seasonal but are required throughout the year.
For instance, mango is harvested only for three months, but it is an essential fruit and desired to be consumed throughout the year.

Mango pulp is extracted from fresh ripe mangoes and mechanically sterilised and aseptically packed or canned to maintain the quality. Since this is a natural puree and has no additives, fruit purees  manage to retain good nutrition. Its true that they don’t have total benefits as in the fresh mangoes.  The loss of nutrition, fibre is very little during sterilisation.

Juice manufacturers use the mango pulp or mango concentrate to make mango juice by adding ingredients to suit the consumers’ palate.

Many juice companies are serving their health conscious markets with mango nectar which may be fulfilling the daily intake of vitamins & minerals, fibre, etc., with no added sugar, preservatives or additives.