Colours of the Camaraderie

Holi, the festival of colours is the spring festival of India has just been celebrated at the time of spring equinox, while the mercury gradually soars up in the south India. Holi is a festival to mark the victory of good over evil, and to forgive and reunite with brethren.

India is heading to elect its new government in the coming months. Being the largest democracy in the world, the general elections is a big ticket event, politically as well as economically. Volatile markets, surging domestic demand and the Indian rupee has started to strengthen against the US dollar.

Mango season , 2018 was an unprecedented crop when abundant mango harvest started pouring in when half of the season was over, i.e. , in July first week the mango fruit market crashed with high supply and low demand. (Mango season begins in late May and lasts till the 3rd /last week of July) .

Prices dropped to unimaginable levels. But the average cost price of the crop season dropped marginally as the fruit harvest actually started coming in towards the last leg of the season.
Importers have been wary of the market movements, and started to wait for the prices to drop further. Also, noteworthy is that the Totapuri prices dropped along side the Neelam mango prices totally crashed and was available almost for free!
Across the markets, all over the world there are all types of elements existing. A few mango processors wanted to take advantage and mixed Neelam with Totapuri to add complexity in the prices!
This becomes a confusing situation for the importer when the prices range wide up to 25-40% difference in offers from different suppliers!

New crop 2019

Till the 2nd week of March hopes of good normal harvest cheered up the mango pulp industry, while awaiting rains. But soaring temperatures and scarcity of water is gradually drying out the good hopes. It will depend on the  weather and if, in a week’s time rains received the mango belt, there is no reason to worry.

Stocks are moving out yet some trying to hold in the hope of getting good prices if the new crop season 2019 is below normal.

The current situation is to wait and watch.

Fruity cheers!