April 2019

April, the month of spring! All bright & beautiful, nature's bounty is up in bloom. India enters the summer season. This time, the climatic heat is lower than average but replaced by the politically hot weather.
Yes, the big fat general elections are due this summer in the sub-continent. 

The mango pulp industry is busy clearing stocks sooner than before. The new season is due to start in a month's time.
Alphonso mango fruit arrivals start in the last week of April which continues till end May-early June.

Good flowering, followed good quantity of young fruits on the trees, but rains are still awaited.

In an agrarian economy, rains decide the fate of the farmers. If rain prevails, abundant harvest and a win win  situation for all the stakeholders up the vertical. If the crop is below average or a failure, the biggest sufferer is the farmer.
Markets get adjusted to the price fluctuations, but the farmer whose only earning source is good harvest, which if fails, is the worst sufferer. South India as such are arid belts and the ground water situation is poor. Appropriate precipitation is the only source of water.

Therefore, it is of paramount importance to have a conducive weather for good crop, farmers, and overall.

It is a wait & watch situation.